Since my last post about the Coronavirus situation, I think we all know how much things have escalated. As I’m sure you can all imagine, since then, things have changed a little around here.
At first I wasn’t going to make a public post as I couldn’t bare to add even more negativity to your feeds that you’re probably already seeing way too much of.
However, I’ve decided there’s a way to post publicly to keep you all informed without being so negative and focusing on the positives.
For the time being, I want all of my lovely clients to focus on staying safe and spending lots of time at home together. Cherish this time, play games, have movie days and take lots of photos. Your children will look back on this time not with stress or resentment, but they will see it as having you guys around to play with when they usually wouldn’t. This can be a period of time to make so many happy memories for them.
I’m not going to be able to see a lot of you for a while, and at the moment I’m not sure how long that will be, but it’s okay because I will be seeing you all again as soon as possible.
Whenever that is I know we will all be super happy, thankful and in brilliant moods because we’re again able to spend time with our more distant loved ones. We’ll no longer take the little things forgranted.
So, just to clarify, for the time being I won’t be having anybody in the studio. Although right now we’re not sure how long this will be for I know we’re all hoping it won’t be too long. I am still here to answer all of your questions, give information and accept future bookings from May onwards. If things haven’t sorted themselves out by then, it will of course be up to you if you would like to defer your session to a later date or receive a refund of your session fee.
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, I will still keep posting beautiful photos of all of your lovely babies every now and again to keep things on our feeds cheery and bright, but also to remind you all that I am still here.
This isn’t a goodbye, it’s a see you soon x